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Quick Dates & New Connections, Speed Dating Fun!

One night, 5 minutes, endless possibilities. Will you find a new friend, a fling, or even your soulmate? The clock is ticking – it’s time to make some magic happen!

Register now and join us for a heart-pumping Speed Dating event!

What is Speed Dating?

Speed dating is like a lively social adventure, where you can meet a bunch of amazing potential partners in no time! Picture this: quick one-on-one conversations, lasting just a few minutes each, filled with laughter and curiosity. It’s all about discovering that special spark and finding out if there’s a connection worth exploring further.

Imagine the excitement of meeting like-minded individuals who share your interests or fall into your preferred age group. It’s a fantastic opportunity to expand your social circle and make meaningful connections. Plus, it’s a whole lot of fun!

Speed dating is all about efficiency

It’s a fast-paced, yet thrilling way to gauge mutual interest without wasting precious time. If you hit it off, you can exchange contact information, opening the door to future communication and exciting potential dates.

Speed Dating explained in a 5 steps

1. Dates Announced

Once the event dates have been announced, you can purchase your ticket online. We will communicate this information via email and social media, so it’s important to visit and by registering and following us to stay up-to-date! We promise you it will be fun!

2. Show Up

Welcome to the party! As soon as you arrive at the venue, we’ll hook you up with a name tag and an encounter card. Once you’re all geared up, it’s time to take a seat and prepare to meet your first date. This is where the magic happens – sparks may fly, butterflies may flutter, and who knows what could happen next? So sit back, relax, and let the fun begin!

3. Start Chatting

Ready, Set, Action!… As soon as you take a seat, the bell rings, and you’re off to the races! You have just a few minutes to chat and connect with your date before the bell rings again, signaling that it’s time to switch to the next person.

4. Scanning Matches

When the night draws to a close, we kindly request that you hand over your encounter cards to us. This is so we can get to work on finding your perfect matches! Don’t worry, we promise to handle your precious cards with care!

5. Sharing is caring

Drumroll, please! Once we’ve sifted through all the Encounter Cards, we’ll send you an exciting email with all your matches and their contact details. And that’s not all – your matches will also receive your contact details. So, who will make the first move? Will you be the one to reach out and say hello, or will your match beat you to the punch? It’s all up to you

End of the night feels

It’s Happening On The Beautiful Maltese Islands

*Venue and dates to be announced later on.

Interested and want to join?

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to bring anything to the speed dating event?

Yes, indeed! Bring your e-ticket for smooth check-in, but remember, there are a few essentials that are even more important. Don’t forget to pack your dazzling smile, a side-splitting sense of humor, a pocketful of ice breakers, and a pinch of open-mindedness. Oh, and a bonus tip: smelling fine never hurts either!

I'm specifically looking to meet individuals of the opposite gender within my age range.

Yes, we completely understand! That’s why we have a registration process in place to ensure the best possible experience for all participants. When you register and fill in your profile, we gather important details about you, such as your age, gender, and what you’re looking for in terms of connections—whether it’s friendship, a soulmate, or simply meeting people in a specific age group. We want to make sure we create compatible matches and provide a comfortable environment for everyone to meet and mingle. So, by sharing these details, you’re helping us tailor the speed dating event to your preferences and increase the chances of making meaningful connections with individuals who are looking for the same things. It’s all about setting the stage for an unforgettable experience!

When is it going to be?

We’re working diligently to make it happen soon. To ensure we find the perfect venue to accommodate all the eager participants, we first need to gauge the interest. Once we have an idea of the turn-up numbers, we’ll set the wheels in motion for an epic speed-dating extravaganza!

Can I bring my friends to the event?

Yes sure! Feel free to invite friends over and to participate in the event. As the saying goes the more, the merrier!

What if I'm a bit rusty at dating? or not a smooth talker and quite shy?

No worries, we’ve all passed through it! Our speed dating event is the perfect place to dust off any cobwebs and get back into the groove. Take this as a learning experience!

Here are some tips that will surely help out;

  1. Breathe and Relax: Take a deep breath and remind yourself that everyone is in the same boat. It’s natural to feel a bit nervous but remember, you’re here to have fun and meet new people.
  2. Start with Small Talk: Begin with simple and light-hearted conversation starters. Ask about their hobbies, interests, or their favorite movies. Small talk can help ease into more meaningful conversations. A simple starting question would be “Hi, is this your first time?”
  3. Practice Active Listening: Shyness can sometimes make us focus too much on our own thoughts. Instead, actively listen to your conversation partner. Show genuine interest by nodding, maintaining eye contact, and responding attentively.
  4. Embrace Your Introversion: Being shy doesn’t mean you have to change who you are. Embrace your introversion as a unique quality. Many people appreciate the depth and thoughtfulness that introverts bring to conversations.
  5. Take Your Time: Don’t rush yourself to speak quickly or fill every moment with conversation. It’s okay to take pauses or think before responding. A moment of silence can allow for a deeper connection to form.
  6. Prepare Icebreaker Questions: Plan a few icebreaker questions in advance. This can help alleviate the pressure of coming up with conversation topics on the spot. Having a few go-to questions can boost your confidence.
  7. Smile and Be Approachable: A warm and friendly smile can work wonders. It signals that you’re open to conversation and approachable. Don’t underestimate the power of a genuine smile to make others feel at ease.
  8. Find Common Ground: Look for shared interests or experiences to connect with your conversation partner. Finding common ground can help you both feel more comfortable and create a foundation for conversation.
  9. Be Yourself: Remember, authenticity is key. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Embrace your unique qualities and let your genuine self shine. The right people will appreciate you for who you are.
  10. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself if things don’t go perfectly. Speed dating is a learning experience, and each interaction is an opportunity to grow and improve.

Remember, many people attend speed dating events because they’re looking for genuine connections. So, be yourself, take your time, and enjoy the experience. You never know who you might meet or what surprises await!

Can we exchange numbers or socials during the event?

Absolutely, you have the freedom to do as you please! however, we advise you that you don’t. 5 minutes go quickly and it’s best first to get to know each other first! You can always get their details after the event 😉

Is there a dress code for the event?

We believe in celebrating individuality, so there’s no strict dress code to adhere to. Feel free to express your unique style and wear what makes you feel fabulous. Whether it’s a snazzy outfit or a comfy ensemble, the key is to be comfortable and confident. Just remember, confidence is the best accessory!

Is speed dating only for extroverts?

Not at all! Speed dating welcomes everyone, from the outgoing extroverts to the quieter introverts. We celebrate the beauty of diverse personalities. Shy or reserved? Embrace your unique charm and let the magic unfold at your own pace. You never know, your calm and thoughtful nature might be just what someone is looking for!

What happens if I'm late?

We understand that sometimes unexpected delays can happen, but to ensure fairness for everyone, we can’t hold the event for latecomers. We kindly suggest arriving a bit earlier, so you have time to settle in and get acquainted with the surroundings. Don’t worry if you’re feeling a bit nervous, though! We’ve got you covered with helpful conversation guides available to give you a little boost in starting those heartwarming connections. While we do our best to choose venues with convenient parking, we know it can sometimes be a challenge.

Is this event open to anyone?

Absolutely! Our speed dating events are open to everyone, whether you’re a local, a foreigner, or from any age group, gender or ethnicity, etc. We believe in creating a diverse and inclusive space where people from all walks of life can come together to connect, have fun, and potentially find that connection. So, whether you’re a local looking for love, friendship, or a foreigner exploring new connections, you’re more than welcome to join us and be part of the magic.

Intrigued? Feel free to reach out!

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